Wednesday, 30 June 2021

Old Balls Galore!

 These slides are about old soccer balls that aren't being used. If you want to learn how to hydro dip there are instructions in the slide and on youtube. We are also going to write messages about little blue penguins and how to protect them.    

Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Orange Math

 In strand we have been learning about volume , capacity , weight , liquid and mass. We have  used an orange and water to demonstrate how they all work. We also read the book "Mr Archimedes bath" about how he jumped in and out of the bath watching the water go up and down. 

Thursday, 10 June 2021

The purple sunrise,

 I arrived at school with a bag ladened with equipment to make a smoothie. I was really excited, and really wanted to get started. Later on that day, we put our fruit and milk onto a plate. We waited for our turn and got started. We put our plate  of ingredients onto the table them koka Pip  started the Imovie Fist we introduce ourselves  then we began to do the steps. 

The fist step  was easy add 250ml of  milk into the mixer, then we started  the fruit we added two handfuls of  mango and then we added some mixed berries .Blueberries Blackberries and all the berries you can emagine. After the instructions we mixed it all together and poured it into some glasses one for Me one for Harry and one for Prince then we garnished it with pineapple but as I reached them Harry snached them and put them In the drink Instead of putting It on the glass!! I was so annoyed because I had spent about ten minutes making them to bring to school they were even cut In the shape of a star I was so disappointed I could have shouted out loud but instead I gave a small groan.

later on koka Noilan came to decide which smoothies were the best She tried ours She tried the next I was getting more nervous by the second When she tried the berry breeze smoothie she said no offence but I really really don't like this smoothie, In the end a smoothie team called the DNA  won first place. But who really cares there is always next time.         


The Best strand

 I was strand, Me and Harry were making our way to the mat I was really looking forward to  doing some math. But when we got there we found a table blocking the way we were confused. when Koka nairy arrived, she told us that we were learning about volume and capacity. She had brought a ice cream container , jar and a orange. I was really looking forward to finding out how it works.

Once everyone had arrived she told me to go fill up a drink bottle. Explained that when the orange went into the jar now fill with water it would make it spill out the side. It went up and down every time we put it in. We wrote what we thought would happen. But sadly all good times must come to an end. I couldn't wait to do it again!