Wednesday, 31 March 2021

No year sixes

This Is a quick presentation about our year five week when all the year sixes were at camp...

 There was only 13 kids in  the hole class. I was really looking forward to playing all the fun games koka pip had promised. like dodgeball and other fun games. 


Tuesday, 30 March 2021

Emirates team NZ

 It was time we were all lined up ready to race. Over the last day we had been constructing  model boats for a race the aim of the race  was to stay afloat for the longest and sailed the best. My boat was called Emirates Team NZ after the boat from the America's cup I was so intrigued by their performance, I wanted to make a replica. I started by scrunching up a few pieces of paper for buoyancy then went over and did seven plus layers of tape. Then I rolled up a piece of paper so it was about ten centimeters long then taped it to the deck, I Then cut out some paper into the shape of a sail, it took Me a few tries to complete it but soon I was ready.

As we put our boats into the water I started a timer so we could tell who was the winner.         As we dropped them into the water I started shouting   "Go Emirates Team New Zealand!" my boat sailed away leaving the other boats behind then it turned around and went rushing back it even collided with a few other boats sending them flying in all different directions it was exciting just watching.

After about five minutes It was only Jimmy Emirates team NZ and strike left. Then a sudden gust of wind blew my boat and It tipped over I gave a big groan of despair as we were watching Jimmy sank and then we stopped I came second and strike came first I was really  annoyed. As we waked back we recounted what had happened, I carried the soggy boat out onto the deck. My boat stayed afloat for 6 minutes and 20 seconds.  It looked epic.        

Friday, 19 March 2021

school fun or school lame?

It was a dark and stormy night I woke up knowing I would have to go to school I dressed and got ready to go to school, I ate ten weetbix brushed my teeth then I played around with my soccer ball and cicked my sisters nettball to annoyed her and made my lunch and bed before I hugged my mum and nearly ran to school... Before realising that tiger  my cat was chasing me but  I kept running. when  arrived at school  I went  over to the field nd played soccer.

At school our term focus is our pepeha mounga roa te mounga , hamanatua toku awa , Te poho o rawiri toku marie. We went to everyone my personal favourite was the marie visit. We went on buses and got welcomed and went onside for some stories. We heard some very interesting stories about the old tribes that used greenstone clubs to battle over land and kai moana.  

It is now week 4 and we just saw our  new task tracker! Art to was even better than last  years art everything was getting better. my new teachers are Koka pip and Koka ngairi where doing extra fun art. For art we did twenty twenty  one art and some collaborative art  and pepeha art. We are going to do some digital art to work on.



 It was time It was time to go to interschool swimming sports, I was really nervous. Once they had called out who was going in each car we were of, In our car we had Rori, Cory and Arthur. We drove through town there was a lot of traffic for Gisborne, soon we could see it the enterprise pools, felt more nervous than ever we parked the car and waited outside. As we walked through the doors the smell of chlorine met our nostrils. We walked over to the stand and sat down after what seemed like hours It was time for my first heat.

As we waited we grew colder and colder I couldn't wait to get inside the worm building but I was wrong when I went inside the noise was deafening I could barely hear koka Lea over all the noise. We sat down in the chairs and waited for our turn. Then It was our turn we stepped onto the starting block "Get Set Go" we dove into the warm and soft water I stroked as hard as I could  I was on my first lap then my second before I now it I had finished and I had come second I jumped out of the water so relieved.

Now It was backstroke I was the best in my year and I was confident I went outside remembering my towel and waited then I got called "Archie from Wainui" I gave my towel to koka Lea saying "thanks" and heading of. Then again the long tiring wait Then "Get set Go" we flung our arms back and tried our hardest to reach the end and finally we reached the wall all my friends were cheering I felt proud again I came second.

Breaststroke time At school I had come second in school  and came second in the heat. We watched the butterfly and then It was time for the school relay. I was in the relay team from last year we prepared ourselves. The people in the team were Rori, Me Finbar,brook, Lola and charlotte. Brook would be starting us of then Finbar and so on. The boys were on one end and the girls on he other. the whistle blew and the race began we almost laped the other people we were going so fast. When the race ended we found out that central had bet us by one second they were in the other heat. When it was time we bet them by about three meters.

Then it was time for the other finals I was in everything except breaststroke.                           

Thursday, 11 March 2021

Barrel time at lousels!!!

 I was the weekend and we were packing to go up to louisels we drove in the car I was so exited. When  we arrived the surf was junk and sloppy but I still went out, I     went out on my sisters soft top. Then my mum came out and I pushed her Into some waves. latter on the Daltons arrived and then the Mcfarlane's. We played around for a bit then Harry and Neko went out for a surf I watched them for about half an hour then I went out.

 It was pumping It was about half a foot and barreling hard. It was a left hand break and I was on my back hand not my for hand but I didn't care because this was my good side for barrels! After a few more minutes Luca tong came out  as Luca was paddling out I caught a wave and pulled up into a wide open barrel and it peeled all the way into the inside I was in the barrel for about 4 seconds! When I paddled out again I asked "did you see that or what!" 

The next day we went out ready to get barrelled again but when we went out we were disappointed but after time I got better.  We got barrel after barrel  again and again. I got at least ten or twelve barrels before I came in. When I came in I had so many rashes I couldn't count them, I had neck rashes, hip rashes, chin rashes and every other rash you can think of. My arms were killing me as well I couldn't even lift a chair!

The very end!