Friday, 19 March 2021

school fun or school lame?

It was a dark and stormy night I woke up knowing I would have to go to school I dressed and got ready to go to school, I ate ten weetbix brushed my teeth then I played around with my soccer ball and cicked my sisters nettball to annoyed her and made my lunch and bed before I hugged my mum and nearly ran to school... Before realising that tiger  my cat was chasing me but  I kept running. when  arrived at school  I went  over to the field nd played soccer.

At school our term focus is our pepeha mounga roa te mounga , hamanatua toku awa , Te poho o rawiri toku marie. We went to everyone my personal favourite was the marie visit. We went on buses and got welcomed and went onside for some stories. We heard some very interesting stories about the old tribes that used greenstone clubs to battle over land and kai moana.  

It is now week 4 and we just saw our  new task tracker! Art to was even better than last  years art everything was getting better. my new teachers are Koka pip and Koka ngairi where doing extra fun art. For art we did twenty twenty  one art and some collaborative art  and pepeha art. We are going to do some digital art to work on.



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