It was time we were all lined up ready to race. Over the last day we had been constructing model boats for a race the aim of the race was to stay afloat for the longest and sailed the best. My boat was called Emirates Team NZ after the boat from the America's cup I was so intrigued by their performance, I wanted to make a replica. I started by scrunching up a few pieces of paper for buoyancy then went over and did seven plus layers of tape. Then I rolled up a piece of paper so it was about ten centimeters long then taped it to the deck, I Then cut out some paper into the shape of a sail, it took Me a few tries to complete it but soon I was ready.
As we put our boats into the water I started a timer so we could tell who was the winner. As we dropped them into the water I started shouting "Go Emirates Team New Zealand!" my boat sailed away leaving the other boats behind then it turned around and went rushing back it even collided with a few other boats sending them flying in all different directions it was exciting just watching.
After about five minutes It was only Jimmy Emirates team NZ and strike left. Then a sudden gust of wind blew my boat and It tipped over I gave a big groan of despair as we were watching Jimmy sank and then we stopped I came second and strike came first I was really annoyed. As we waked back we recounted what had happened, I carried the soggy boat out onto the deck. My boat stayed afloat for 6 minutes and 20 seconds. It looked epic.
Hi Archie, I like how your blog was really entertaining and detailed. This reminds of when I would go to my grandparents and watch the racing with my grandad. Did you enjoy making and sailing the boats? It sounded exciting!